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Char Murphy

Founder & CEO of BelieveInspireWithCharMurphy

Char Murphy

I’m a mom and a proud  grandmother to two handsome grandsons. I love to fish, paint, write and travel. Two of my life’s goals were to author books and live on the beach. I now have co-written two books and written one of my own, multiple award winning “Unshakeable Power-Through Seasons of the Soul,” all while living on the Gulf Coast all in the last three years!

Im a retired attorney due to recurrent serious health issues, inspirational speaker, breast cancer patient/survivor advocate, empowerment mentor and life crisis  strategist for the best bounce back possible.

My expertise lies in strategic planning, offering support to those going through serious life altering circumstances and challenges to get you from one life stage to the next. Many are confused on their path asking which way to go, having lost their direction and passion for living, some even having completely given up hope.

You as my client will be empowered, inspired and assisted through my time-tested systems where you are able to obtain a renewed sense of clarity, direction, self identity, re-discovery of your innate inner strengths, personal power and gifts. During this time of inner self reflection, realignment and healing of the essential heart-mind-body-soul connection occurs. Full confidence is regained and you are finally able to fulfill your true joy, passion and purpose.

It’s time to step up and into the beauty of knowing and loving who you really are and thrive doing whatever you have always dreamt of. I show you how to find yourself, the true you- you’ve always been but couldn’t find- lying dormant in the rubble of your past. Let us together explore, find, re-create the very best version of yourself and celebrate YOU!

What makes me an expert in my fields?

As a woman in my 60’s, I have gained much wisdom from my life experiences. I’m a four-time breast cancer survivor, emotionally abused as a child growing up- even into adulthood. Becoming exhausted, stressed and worn out from the breast cancer recurrences, many surgeries, procedures and a bi-lateral mastectomy, I was forced to give up my 15 year law practice and with it went my self identity of “who I thought I was”as a successful attorney and my life as I had known it.

Upon much introspection, re-evaluation of my life’s goals, needs and wants, faith based heart and soul searching, healing my inner scars- I was able to identify my strengths find my inner power, re-discover my self identity and re-purpose my life’s mission to create real joy in my true life purpose. I learned how to turn what appeared to be all the negatives into positives and now I use these gifts I’ve been blessed with, to bless and teach you how to do the same. I’m grateful for all of it and wouldn’t change a thing.

Much Love ~ Char